This extension was originally developed by Lord Taser. Upon request of the original author, ownership and future development was transferred to mattekure.
The COP - Weapon Threat extension is designed for D&D 5E. the extension adds a visibile threat range indicator to maps for PC weapon attacks.
The range indicator can be displayed by mousing over the power in the PC's attack roll button on the Character Sheet Actions tab. The drawn range indicator will only be visible to the Player.
Melee Weapon Threat Field.
The default drawn reach indicator shape for Melee attacks is a square. The threat indicator for melee weapons defaults to a 5-foot square around the character. Weapon properties and PC traits can extend the reach drawn.
Weapons with the Reach property such as the Glaive will extend the reach indicator size by 5 feet.
PCs with the Long-Limbed trait (such as a bugbear will extend the reach indicator size by 5 feet.
Therefore, a bugbear wielding a glaive would show a reach of 15-feet.
Ranged Weapon Threat Field
The default drawn range indicator shape is a circle and will display two threat ranges. The inner circle represents normal range for a weapon, and the outer circle represents long range which is normally rolled at disadvantage. If the PC has the Sharpshooter feat, only a single range will be drawn at the long range for the weapon.
With sharpshooter