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Syrinscape Sounds
PC Power Threat Range
Auras Visualized
PC Weapon Threat Range
NPC Power Threat Range
Weather Generator
Coin Converter
Sustenance Tracker
Easy Lights
Using streaming cameras is a great, free way to get camera feeds for streaming in OBS. This tutorial shows how to use to get players connected via video, and assign them individual displays in OBS so their positioning stays consistent.
The Syrsincape Sounds extension for Fantasy Grounds Unity allows users to trigger sound playback in Syrinscape from within the Fantasy Grounds VTT. This extension was developed by mattekure (discord mattekure#8651) and distributed through Team Twohy. The pro...
Installation, Updating and Enabling
This extension was originally sold on DMsGuild and has since been migrated to the Fantasy Grounds Forge. Although the extension is no longer for sale on DMsGuild, all updates are published to both DMsGuild and the Forge, so no repurchase is necessary. Instal...
Updating Sound Links
Sound links used by this extension are all stored in a Syrinscape Soundlinks module. A prebuilt module is not included with the extension as it is unique for each user and will contain only the Syrinscape sounds that you have purchased, or are included in you...
Options Menu
After enabling the extension in your Fantasy Grounds Campaign, several options will become available in the Options window. Autoload Module? Option Values: Yes | No Default Value: Yes When this option is set to Yes, the extension will attempt to automati...
Syrinscape Web / Online Player Setup
In order to trigger sounds in the Syrinscape Web or Online players, the GMs Authentication token must be registered in Fantasy Grounds. This process generally only needs to be done once unless the Authentication token changes. Obtain your Authentication Toke...
Syrinscape Sound Terminology
Syrinscape uses several different terms to refer to sound element types. For full information see the Syrinscape Web Page and the Syrinscape YouTube channel. Mood A Mood is a dynamically created looping sound. It is created by combining a variety of Musi...
UI Overview
Sound Records Window Register Authentication Token button: For setting up the Web/Online player connection. Update Soundlinks button: To open the Syrin2FG website to update soundlinks. Chat Triggers button: Opens the Chat triggers window to create ...
Finding Sounds
Sounds can be found by using a combination of text search and filters. #1 Group: The group dropdown selection is the broadest filter available. There is one special group which contains 3 sound records that are not generated by Syrinscape. The Stop All b...
Linking Sounds
Sound record and Sound Play/Stop links can be added to any Formatted text field, maps and to the shortcut bar. You can add links to Sound Records by drag/dropping the link field of the sound. When the link is clicked, it will open up the sound record windo...
Playing / Stopping Sounds
Playing Sounds Sound records can be triggered to begin playback in a number of ways. Clicking on the Play button on the sound record. Clicking on a link generated by dragging the Play button. Triggering a chat trigger Clicking on a soundboard entry....
Chat Triggers
Chat Triggers allow the DM to automate playing back sounds based on text that appears in the Chat Window. To add, edit or view chat triggers, click on the "Chat Triggers" button at the top of the Syrinscape window. Chat Trigger Record A Chat Trigger recor...
Lua Pattern Matching for Chat Triggers
Lua Patterns are a unique form of Regular Expressions which allow for very powerful pattern matching. Lua patterns are slightly different than typical Regular Expressions, so be careful when entering them. For more information on Lua patterns see: https://ww...
Volume Control (Online Player Only)
When using the Syrinscape Web or Online player, you can control the global volumes and global one-shot volume from within Fantasy Grounds. The Volume button is located on the Syrinscape window. Volume for each may be controlled either by selecting an absol...
Soundboards add a quick and easy way to prepare sounds for playback. Each soundboard can link up to 18 sounds. The Soundboards window can be accessed from the Syrinscape Window. When Unlocked for editing, a sound board will show 18 record links. Sounds ma...
Debugging Chat Command
A chat command has been added which turns on/off debugging for this extension. Command: /syrindebug [on|off] When enabled in the chat, additional information about each sound played and each sound trigger activated will be displayed in the chat.
Sharing Audio with Players
Fantasy Grounds and this extension do not directly handle or manipulate the actual transmission of sound in any way. This extension works entirely by sending messages to the Syrinscape players to induce them to initiate playback. As such, the handling of aud...
Syrinscape Genre (Fantasy, Sci-fi) player setup
To use the Syrinscape Fantasy or Sci-fi players, you must set the Player Type option to Genre. When using the Fantasy or Sci-Fi players, you must pre-download all of the sounds you intend to use. Sounds that have not been downloaded to the player will no...
The Indicators extension adds a number of visual indicators to PC/NPC tokens that are placed on maps. This extension should be compatible with CoreRPG based rulesets and has been tested on 5e, 4e, and SavageWorlds. Not all indicators work for all rulesets. ...
Initiative Indicator
This indicators shows which token currently has initiative. It is displayed to both DM and Player. This indicator should be compatible with all CoreRPG rulesets. Icon Sets Default Bold Arrows Dots Light Arrows ...