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Aura Customizer

Auras Visualized

The Aura Customizer extension is a free, optional enhancement to the Auras Visualized extension. ...

Updated 1 month ago by Admin

Coming Soon

Easy Lights

Updated 4 months ago by Admin


Sustenance Tracker

Sustenance tracker adds a new Sustenance section to all player character sheets, located on the A...

Updated 4 months ago by Admin


Sustenance Tracker

Sustenance Tracker is an extension for the Fantasy grounds VTT.  This extension is available on ...

Updated 4 months ago by Admin


Sustenance Tracker

Extensions purchased from the Fantasy Grounds Forge are automatically downloaded whenever the "Ch...

Updated 4 months ago by Admin


Auras Visualized

Auras Visualized (AV) is an extension for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. Auras Visualized was previousl...

Updated 4 months ago by Admin

Effect Syntax

Auras Visualized

Auras are defined as effects on tokens within the Combat Tracker. The basic syntax for Aura effe...

Updated 4 months ago by Admin


Auras Visualized

Extensions purchased from the Fantasy Grounds Forge are automatically downloaded whenever the "Ch...

Updated 4 months ago by Admin


Coin Converter

  The Coin Converter can be opened from the Character Sheet Inventory Tab.  The button is locate...

Updated 5 months ago by Admin


Weather Generator

Weather Generator Instructions The weather generator is accessible to the GM from the Party Shee...

Updated 8 months ago by Admin


Syrinscape Sounds

The Syrsincape Sounds extension for Fantasy Grounds Unity allows users to trigger sound playback ...

Updated 9 months ago by Admin


COP - NPC Threat Fields

This extension was originally developed by Lord Taser.  Upon request of the original author, owne...

Updated 9 months ago by Admin


COP - Weapon Threat

This extension was originally developed by Lord Taser.  Upon request of the original author, owne...

Updated 9 months ago by Admin


COP - Spell Threat

This extension was originally developed by Lord Taser.  Upon request of the original author, owne...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Creating Shops


Create a new shop in the Shops window.  Add items to the shop inventory list on the right hand ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Using the Shop


Important Shops contained within modules cannot be used to purchase items.  In order to use a sh...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin



Load the Shops extension in your campaign by selecting it in the extensions selection window of t...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Saving Throw Indicator


The Saving Throw indicator is currently only available for the 5E ruleset.  It will not display r...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Bloodied Indicator


The Bloodied indicator is mainly for use with the D&D 4E ruleset.  Bloodied is a standard conditi...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Dying / Stable Indicator


The Dying / Stable indicator applies an indicator to a PC when they are at 0 HP.  NPC entries wil...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin