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Options Menu

After enabling the extension in your Fantasy Grounds Campaign, several options will become available in the Options window.


Autoload Module?

Option Values: Yes | No

Default Value: Yes

When this option is set to Yes, the extension will attempt to automatically load the Sound Links module when the campaign is started.  

Include speaker in trigger check?

Option Values: Yes | No

Default Value: No

When this option is set to Yes, the extension will include the name of the speaker When performing a chat trigger check.  This can be useful for setting up unique triggers for individual players.  For example, setting up a unique sound for when Bob the Barbarian attacks with a war hammer, vs when an Orc attacks with a war hammer.

Player Type

Option Values: Online | Genre

Default Value: Online

This should be set to Online if using the Web or Syrinscape Online players.  It should be set to Genre if using the Fantasy or Sci-fi players.

Trigger on hidden/GM Only messages

Option Values: Yes | No

Default Value: No

When this option is set to Yes, the Chat triggers will attempt to match against messages that are hidden from the players.  This allows GM rolls to be kept hidden, while allowing triggers to occur on hits/misses, etc.  In order to trigger on an initiative TURN notification, this must be set to Yes.